Tuesday 24 January 2012

Negotiating the cards you've been dealt...

Let nothing get the best of you...'grounded' you...

Take each great happening with a grain of cynicism and every bad moment with a wisp of fantasy.

 Nothing lasts forever :)

SB - Change and Grow!

Sunday 22 January 2012

My bipolar hair...

Nope..I have not cut my hair...

But, like my personality it seems to prefer one end of the spectrum at a time... lol. When wet, it's super short and curly followed by frizzy and unruly. When heat blown, it straightens down my back and the colour is blinding in sunlight!

I have concluded that bipolar is a little like having a split personality... simply put. Like my hair - water acts as a trigger for it to change it's characteristics dramatically, and the heat calms it down, somewhat..

Similarly my triggers (bad memories, alcohol, coffee, OTC flu meds) cause a swing in mood so severe it's like two people exist in shifts in my body. 

I haven't really blogged directly about bipolar because I'm still trying to figure it out- atleast to me and how it affects me personally....meaning even though I have done enough  research to teach a course on it, I still think that each person has varying aspects that they struggle with even when afflicted (ooh strong word there!) with the same medical condition.

Another reason would be fear of stigma and discrimination, I admit quite reluctantly. It does seem a bit hypocritical though, considering all my talk about self-love and acceptance.... So here it is. I AM BIPOLAR (eek... hope too many ppl don't see this post) hehe. <----- hypocrisy is hard to kill...lol

I took medication once and had such a severe side effect that it has remained at 'once'! Instead I take Omega and other fatty acid supplements, avoid my triggers (wore black for a week  to mourn loss of coffee...*sniffles*), keep tabs on my moods, take frequent breaks when overwhelmed at work (now I really hope my boss isn't reading this) and basically get up everyday and tell myself "it's going to be OK" ...some days I actually believe it.

I think it's important like with any other illness to find what works... Oh oh !! Exercise and music therapy is seriously under-rated!! They work beautifully together. 

The key is to keep happy but grounded, although, only a bipolar would understand the dangers of being too happy... yeah.

My biggest challenge is remembering that bipolar is something I have, NOT who I am.

Express Yourself!!.....

 .... if someone has a problem with it, just remember, it's THEIR problem! ;)

I had my toenails french manicured, hot pink!!

Something I would NEVER have considered 6 months ago!! (The horror -gasp-)
I now see myself quite differently having embraced that wild spunky girl I used to be *longing*. That and a hell-bent mission to pointedly look as UN-apostolic as possible.

Self expression is a need as powerful as air to me now. The freedom to self express... well, is the ultimate form of human existence!!!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Pay the Pig, even if your income defies it....

Ultimately, the most rewarding job isn't a job at all. It's pursuing your interest, enjoying your hobby and making money from doing what you love... doing what you were born to do.


Ultimately - *wry grin*

However on your way to fulfilling that dream, you are stuck in a job, with responsibilities and bills and maybe a few bank loans, school loans and personal loans to pay off. What do you do?



Be grateful. You have an income and are therefore able to pay these bills...albeit not as quickly as you had hoped.

But you are in a good place.

You realize you wont be in this position forever and you bravely smile and lug it to work each day, make it through the day, sanity intact.

Permission to pat yourself on the back.

In the meantime. Save!

Even if it means cutting back on ONE luxury. Have a picture of your goal that you stare at each time you make that deposit in the bank (or other non-conventional saving institutions - can you say mattress? lol)

But seriously, save something. The more you focus on what you want the closer you get to your dream. When opportunity comes, you DONT want to have to skip it due to 'lack of funds'


Read as much as you can about the business or area you really want to actively involved in. Talk to the experts, attend seminars  in the area of interest. This will do two things:

Keep the dream alive and increase your knowledge in the area.. All a part of being prepared for success.

Be careful with your idea. Share shrewdly. Those who may not steal your idea may want to talk you out of it! It is your dream!


Surround yourself with inspiring people who believe in you. It is said that we are slowly becoming the average of the five closest people to us. Hmmm.... choose cautiously. Never let your enthusiasm wane. This is YOUR passion!

Look out for opportunities. A break, the once in a lifetime chance.

Tips on Saving with an Income that defies it!:

1. Lunch box it! Now in style for serious health freaks ahem...conscious persons. Taking a packed lunch to work not only ensures paying less for lunch but also balanced, healthy meal for tummy...you get exactly what you have a craving for (you pack it) and yes, it does improve healthy eating habits. If you take leftovers (by the way , ever notice how deliciously different leftovers taste at work??), now we are really saving! Double pat on the back for you, smart savvy saver. <--- say that three times fast :)
Remember to pack a snack!!

2. Pay bills ontime! The negative results of ignroing this tip is not only includes interest rates but in the case of utility bills...um... yeah, horrific blackouts! *shudder*
Again developing these healthy financial habits are beneficial in other ways.... hehe

3. Budget. A very simple but miraculous necessity of the financially savvy! A budget is a lifesaver. It gives a comprehensive overview of what you earn and how you spend it. How delightful!You can make decisions such as what to clip or keep in times of need. It also encourages the discipline needed to save successfully. Just look at those numbers! Multiply the savings line by twelve and see what you'll have in a year!

Now that's encouraging! Dont forget to budget in recreational (movies, eat out etc). Even if it means renting a DVD and splurging on microwavable popcorn! C'mon live a little! Dont forget to LIVE!!
4. Get those scary loans under control. We now realize that hirepurchasing is not as pretty as it looked in the store display, glistening up at us its availability for only 10% down!!! Grrr! Anywhoo, we are past that and learned the hard way about credit cards and personal loans.
But we still have to pay 'em.

Dont ignore the calls it only makes them angrier!!! Really, most creditors are reasonable if you take their calls, explain and follow through with payment promises.
 Be as honest as you reasonably can and ask to pay a little less this month because of that unexpected issue if you must. But, just take the call!!!

These people record everything electronically. Every response, tone and attitude you shell out. So, be nice and meek without tolerating any violation of your rights and just chill. Yep, creditors are actually humans!
Pay consistently even if you cant make the minimum. Pay something. It buys leniency on their part by looking like effort on their records.

Prioritize loans and aggressively attack those with higher interest rates.

They DONT really WANT to lock you up. After all, they would NEVER get their money. Most creditors are willing to work something out. Just answer the phone.

On a lighter note:

5. Do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach! You will get home and wonder; What was I thinking as you stare at bags filled with sugary treats. #regret! Sure its a little less if I buy three but do I really need three gallon bottles of  fabric softener for my family of two...hmmmm. Be reasonable!

Some say shopping monthly works out well. Personally I can barely shop for two weeks without fighting the temptation to shop in between grocery days (I get paid fortnightly :) ) I have never grasped the monthly concept. How do you manage things like bread. It lasts four days at the most then you have to take a trip to the shop to get a loaf... You then leave the shop with a basket of soda, cheese, and some weird thing you just got inspired to cook for dinner!! Chances are you have forgotten the bread!

Avoid that place if you must! Impulse purchases are placed at the check-out line to do just that- invoke impulsivity!!! *that's not a word , is it?* Go to the grocery with a list on 'grocery day'. Shop and get out!!- before you get hungry.

If you have been a good little budget keeper, then reward yourself. A small bottle of bubbly (my favorite) or a magazine! Remenber to breathe and live!! Even saving can be fun if taken with the right chaser...okay, alcohol talk...ahem.

6. Keep calm and try again! So what if you mess up? Live has these beautiful things called second chances that magically appear with a new day's sun *sigh* dramatic music*. Don't beat yourself up! Start over, try again and find the perfect mix of financially savvy practices that work for you!

Love ya- SB, Change and Grow
...they keep dreams alive in the practical world.

Sunday 8 January 2012


I have so much to say... the thoughts are bubbling up and bottlenecking at my fingertips...Plus, my heart wont start...