Sunday 22 January 2012

My bipolar hair...

Nope..I have not cut my hair...

But, like my personality it seems to prefer one end of the spectrum at a time... lol. When wet, it's super short and curly followed by frizzy and unruly. When heat blown, it straightens down my back and the colour is blinding in sunlight!

I have concluded that bipolar is a little like having a split personality... simply put. Like my hair - water acts as a trigger for it to change it's characteristics dramatically, and the heat calms it down, somewhat..

Similarly my triggers (bad memories, alcohol, coffee, OTC flu meds) cause a swing in mood so severe it's like two people exist in shifts in my body. 

I haven't really blogged directly about bipolar because I'm still trying to figure it out- atleast to me and how it affects me personally....meaning even though I have done enough  research to teach a course on it, I still think that each person has varying aspects that they struggle with even when afflicted (ooh strong word there!) with the same medical condition.

Another reason would be fear of stigma and discrimination, I admit quite reluctantly. It does seem a bit hypocritical though, considering all my talk about self-love and acceptance.... So here it is. I AM BIPOLAR (eek... hope too many ppl don't see this post) hehe. <----- hypocrisy is hard to

I took medication once and had such a severe side effect that it has remained at 'once'! Instead I take Omega and other fatty acid supplements, avoid my triggers (wore black for a week  to mourn loss of coffee...*sniffles*), keep tabs on my moods, take frequent breaks when overwhelmed at work (now I really hope my boss isn't reading this) and basically get up everyday and tell myself "it's going to be OK" ...some days I actually believe it.

I think it's important like with any other illness to find what works... Oh oh !! Exercise and music therapy is seriously under-rated!! They work beautifully together. 

The key is to keep happy but grounded, although, only a bipolar would understand the dangers of being too happy... yeah.

My biggest challenge is remembering that bipolar is something I have, NOT who I am.

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