Thursday 23 February 2012

Shedding Cultural Skin: Part 1

Disclaimer #1: I am hardly an expert on Jamaican culture in fact I fail miserably at grasping most of our accepted ways of thinking and behaving...
Most of our die hard beliefs lack logic, reasoning of any form and are overdue for a well deserved intervening kick in the arse! ...but thats just my opinion: it doesnt have to be agreeable  after all, our statistics are a series of paradoxical facts (or are they telling us something else?)

Such as the crime rate which is directly proportional to the number of churches and by extension - denominations,
But today is not church bashing day...

Apparently, it is a cultural disgrace for two Jamaican men to physically fight over a Jamaican woman - you know the not so proverbial love triangle gone sour or worse - public - eek!

So men are NOT to fight over women; it's almost as disgraceful as being boxed (bitch slapped) by a woman in Jamaica, which incidentally is another debatable double standard issue in the island.
But today is not women-who-bash bashing day...

It is: 'Why is it acceptable for two women to fight over a man but not two men over a woman' day!

So the story was spilled in the back store room by Puck*..... who was so revved up by it he had no problem retelling it 5 times as the remaining employees arrived; each time with added gusto and elaborated details.

Comments included: "look how many girls are in the world, why would I fight over one?" - fair enough, Puck. "What a disgrace, those men cant show their faces for awhile" - OK, wondering why. "Only fool-fool (foolish) men fight over a woman!) - clearly, who would fight over something with such little value.

OK, before my bitterness gets the best of me and sends me over the edge which I now hover, let me just state...
Disclaimer #2: I am against violence in any shape or form and can barely grant my 3 yr old a well-deserving slap on the wrist for sass.

But this conversation was getting out of hand...amid snickers, hoots and smirks that say: glad its not me - you know the ones that hide our own secret shame in someone else's public disgrace? Yep, those.
To make matters more grisly, apparently the object of contention was a lowly barmaid...oh the shame!

All is well and good, if you would never fight over a girl or for any other reason (kudos to you) but my angle - albeit consistently twisted, was this:

Fighting for my boyfriend is good entertaining stuff and encouraged in every other dance-hall song released, but me.... the awesome beautiful Jamaica woman that I am .....I am not worthy of a good jousting match?
Explain, Puck! Explain why it is OK for me to defend my relationship with my oh so worthy (and in short supply) so called good man... but he should never lift a finger against a man for me - Oh dear, have I answered my own question with the term 'short supply'? eek!

Sorry, but the ole equality obsessed monster in me was awakened by yet another clear display of gender prejudice.

Change and Grow peeps and think while you're at it. sigh

*names have been altered to preserve confidentiality #sheepish grin

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