Thursday 23 February 2012

Un- Eclipse me...

Half of me... Right down the middle; is really excited about all my plans for the future...building my home, starting an online business, advocacy and even this shy blog :)

The other half is terribly depressed and keeps me sitting in my glider, vacant expression, feet firmly immobilised and unable to hop to the first task.. Guess this is a mixed state or....

A full frontal eclipse...

With exactly half of me facing the sun in a future's-so-bright-I-gotta-wear-shades sort of way. The other half completly blocked out and peering gloomily into the dark void.

Hello Bipolar!


It's tricky to describe a mood disorder. I crave normal feelings, even regular crankiness anything but these extremes, made worse when they exist at the same time in the same body and mind. Feeling low is crippling to a bipolar- even your intelligence drops a few quotients #smirk. Then, feeling good equals being unhinged- a little too unhinged.


I quit coffee and I figure if I can do that I can get through anything :). I should be off liquor too though I safely sip occasionally *wink.

 Everyone has something carrying around - to keep them human... when you deny your flaw/weakness, you deny your humanity and can no longer empathize with the weaknesses of others.

So I walk around, coexisting with fellow members of humanity- thieves, murderers, mentally ill, broken, bruised, healed ...

... despite their current condition, I simply think: "That's their load, bipolar is mine...." -  I smile, say hello and wonder if the unconditional acceptance of one human being can really make any difference.


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